- French Resourses in Calgary
La Cite des Rocheuses: http://www.citedesrocheuses.com/
Le Conseil scolaire du sud d'Alberta: http://www.conseildusud.ab.ca/
Prematernelle, maternelle-6e annee: Ecole Terre des Jeunes (NW), Ecole la Mosaique (NE), Ecole de la Source (SE) 7e annee - 12e annee: Ecole de La Rose sauvage.
Le Conseil scolaire francophone et Catholique du sud d'Alberta: http://www.cscfsa.ab.ca/ pre-maternelle - 12e annee: Ecole Ste-Marguerite Bourgeoys (SW).
Note: All students in the francophone schools have access to busing.
Some Calgary public high schools offer courses in both English and French. Visit Calgary board of Education for more information at http://www.cbe.ab.ca
University of Alberta (in Edmonton) offers university study in french (can also do english studies or combination): http://www.registrar.ualberta.ca/ro.cfm?id=74
Francophone directory: http://www.bizcalgary.com/directory/Francophone_Directory_,040annuaire_francophone,041/
To find a doctor that speaks french: http://www.cpsa.ab.ca/PhysicianSearch/AdvancedSearch.aspx. Make sure you enter Calgary in the search criteria or you will get doctors in Edmonton as well.